Polydos TN 343

High performance hyper plasticizing concrete admixture

High performance hyper plasticizing concrete admixture

Bayındırlık Bakanlığı Poz No: 04.613/1-A3 TS EN 934-2 Table 3.1 and 3.2: High range water reducing / superplasticizing concrete admixture


Polydos® TN 343 is a polycarboxylate based, new generation hyper plasticizing concrete admixture that is used in production of high-performance concretes that require high early and final strength. Developed for the ready-mix concrete sector, it significantly reduces the amount of water depending on the dosage, offers prolonged workability and ensures achieving a selfcompacting and compressing concrete without causing segregation and transpiration.

Used in production of ready-mix concrete
In production of ultrahigh performance concrete,
fluidity and maintain the viscosity,strength,In concretes where it is desired to have excellent In concretes that are required to have high early
reinforcements for difficult compacting,In production of concrete with thin and compact
In reinforcement projects,
In production of pre-stressed concrete,
In mass production of concrete by casting,
In injection and floor applications,
impervious,In production of concrete that are intended to be
In precast and prefabricated concrete production,
In production of self-compacting concrete (SCC). Areas Of Application


Ensures producing strong and high-quality concrete. Provides high early strength in a short time especially in
cold weathers.Improves the resistance of concrete to freezing-thawing cycle and increases its strength.Improves water tightness of concrete thanks to low water/cement ratio.
Ensures self-compacting of concrete.
Allows for achieving high unit weight and strength.
Ensures pumping of the concrete to long distances.
Saves on energy by reducing the curing time and
temperature in production of precast members. Does not have any retarding effects and ensures setting of concrete in normal period of time.
Reduces carbonation rate of concrete, improves its mechanical properties such as shrinkage and creep.
Ensures achieving a smoother concrete surfaces with a better appearance. Eliminates the risk of segregation.
Allows for easy placement and faster strengthening, saves on workmanship and ensures earlier molding / mold turnover.

For flowing and self-compacting concrete; Is suggested to be used as 0.6 - 2.0 kg for 100 kg binder (cement microsilica fly ash). Dosage of contribution is based on the aggregate properties, water quality, concrete class, water-cement ratio and temperature of place. Therefore, it is recommended to determine the dose by preparing test mixtures in a laboratory. When adjusting the consistency, high water cut-off property of admixture should be taken into account and more water addition should not be done to mixture.
Kimyasal İçeriği / Chemical Contents : Polikarboksilat esaslı / Polycarboxylate based
Görünüm-Renk / Appearance-Colour : Kahverengi sıvı / Brown liquid
Yoğunluk / Density : 1.045 ± 0.02 kg/l. ISO 758
pH Değeri / pH Value : 4.5 ± 1 TS 6365 EN 1262
Klor İçeriği / Chloride Content (Cl) : < % 0.1 TS EN 480-10
Alkali İçeriği / Alkali Content       : < % 4 TS EN 480-12
Donma Noktası / Freezing Point : -4 ºC  
Korozyon Davranışı / Corrosion Behavior : Sadece TS EN 934-1 Ek A.1’de verilen bileşenleri içerir.
Contains only components according to TS EN 934-1 Annex A.1
Tehlikeli Maddeler / Dangerous Substances : Tamamen Ek ZA’ye uygundur. / Comply with annex ZA.
+20ºC’de, %50 bağıl nem koşullarında elde edilmiştir. / Is produced at +20ºC, %50 relative humidity conditions.